Imposter Syndrome Explored

– Does Imposter Syndrome affect others around you?
-Can medication help with this syndrome ?
-How does someone get Imposter Syndrome?
-Are people born with this syndrome?
-How do we know if we have this syndrome?
-Does bullying trigger Imposter Syndrome?
– Imposter syndrome is where you perform and people tell you you’re good enough but you don’t seem to believe it.
-Its like a little voice in your head telling you, you aren’t good enough
-Imposter Syndrome is actually a behavioral response to stressful stimulus
-Imposter Syndrome is also feeling fraud, fake or being found out
-This is a common syndrome and you are not alone if you or someone you know is dealing with this
-It’s hard being an artist via making music you enjoy and try to make a song and it doesn’t sound like how you intended it to
-People with this syndrome feed off of others approval this is called “conditional worth”


This article went over the question “What is Imposter Syndrome?” by answering questions some may have asked or want to ask. This article was very good at explaining what it is.

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